Kate Stevens West

Kate Stevens West (Kāi Tahu, Pākehā) is a painter. She paints family, the connections, the needs, and emotions, intergenerational secrets and stories. Recent work explores Kāi Tahutaka working with historical research, material culture, traditional paints and pigments. Kate is represented by Bowen Galleries in Wellington. Kate has recently exhibited in public gallery shows Huikaau Where Currents Meet, Dunedin Public Art Gallery 2023-2025, Kia Ora Whaea, CoCA Toi Moroki 2024, Dirty Laundry, Toi Pōneke Arts Centre 2023 and Paemanu: Tauraka Toi – A Landing Place, Dunedin Public Art Gallery 2021-2022. She is currently working on a public project Te Waiatatanga mai o te Atua / The Song of the Gods with Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre, Christchurch with fellow Ngāi Tahu artists to bring Toi Māori and Mātauranga Māori to life in the area.